Tuesday, 10 October 2017

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By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 10, 2017
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  • 1. Do not get pregnant that you can change something on a man. Unless he wears diapers.
    2. What do you do when a man slams the door on the outside? Lock them inside.
    3. If they have already sent one man to the moon, they should be able to send them all!
    4. Do not let your man's thoughts wander. They were too small to be out there alone.
    5. Always choose a younger man. He never ripens.
    6. Men are all the same - they have different faces just to be able to recognize them.
    7. Definition of binge eating: a man who has missed a chance to hit a woman.
    8. It is not true that women make men's men. Most men are bored with the motto "Do it yourself!"
    9. The only way a man is asked to do something is to tell him that he is too old to do it.
    10. Love is blind, but marriage is an experience that opens your eyes.
    11. If you really want a man who's going to be with you, look at him at the mental illness hospital.
    12. Israel's sons wandered in the desert for 40 years. There, and in ancient times, men were under the honor of asking for a trip.
    13. If he asks you whether you like playing cards, say "yes, but only with credit cards".
    14. Remember that the sense of humor does not mean telling jokes to him, but laughing at his jokes.
    15. All men are created equal. Unfortunately, this includes men as well.


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