Dear wife, you surely realize that you are 54 years old, I have certain needs that you simply can not get high quality and fully satisfy. On every other side, our marriage is harmonious, I am satisfied with you as a woman, and I truly hope that this fax machine will not hurt or upset you too much. After work I go to a motel with my 18 year old assistant, but I will be home before midnight - your husband. "
When he arrived at the motel at the reception he waited for a fax from his wife:
"My dear husband and you are 54 years old, and at the moment when you read these lines, I will be in another motel with my 18 year old waitress from the neighboring bar, and since you are a genius mathematician, it will certainly not be difficult for you to realize that 18 in 54 goes a lot many times than 54 in 18, do not wait for me - your wife!
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