Tuesday, 10 October 2017

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Lotto is a lot pulled out the week

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 10, 2017
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  • A woman with a morning coffee reads the newspaper and realizes that her Lotto is a lot
    pulled out the week.
    All the lucky ones go to the safe to quit. When there, she's safe
    Excuses - because of a reduction in work, the overwhelming must go, but for
    comfort, with a huge retirement.
    Double happy, decide to buy a new car.
    He enters the nearest car salon, and at that moment the fireworks begin.
    A salesman approaches her and says: You are a millionth visitor and you are getting us
    free latest Mercedes model !!!
    Already in the juice, a woman in a new car goes home.
    Put a time of champagne, come to the window and see - they get a husband in his car.
    He was at the entrance to the street, hit by a truck and the car disappeared into the flames.
    Woman raised her time, toasted and mumble: When he moves you, he moves you!


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